Bajo el lema Publishing as an amplifier of human creativity se celebra una nueva edición de Readmagine, actividad organizada por la Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez que ha alcanzado gran prestigio a nivel nacional e internacional y cuenta con las intervenciones de los más destacados profesionales ligados a la industria del libro en sus diferentes vertientes.
La Semana de la Innovación Digital en la Lectura, Libro y Bibliotecas se lleva a cabo en su sede de Madrid, Casa del Lector, y está vigente desde el año 2006. Propone talleres, conferencias, encuentros y otros formatos para el intercambio de ideas en torno al proceso de transformación de la lectura y los libros, además de promover el aprendizaje más allá de las fronteras como medio para la innovación (en estos años ha habido sesiones dedicadas a la edición y medios digitales, urbanismo, moda, marketing, videojuegos y otros campos de acción que comparten analogías con la lectura)
El congreso reúne el segmento más innovador y se organiza con un enfoque especial en torno a algún tema, tendencia o desafío. La Fundación trata de dotar a esta cita de un ambiente amigable e informal que ha permitido que el encuentro se consolide como un evento de referencia para una comunidad de profesionales que reservan, desde hace casi dos décadas, varios días en sus agendas para asistir.
La asistencia es gratuita, mediante invitación emitida por FGSR e IPDA y la inscripción al evento. Las sesiones se llevan a cabo en inglés y nunca se transmiten en línea, porque Readmagine trata de ofrecer una experiencia única basada en la interacción personal. Las personas que no puedan asistir tienen acceso a las grabaciones de las presentaciones y mesas redondas, pero para vivir la experiencia real, conversar, llegar a acuerdos, conocer nuevos proyectos y compartir cafés es imprescindible asistir a este encuentro.
Toda la información aquí.
Programa 2024
Wednesday, 29th May
9:15 – 9:20h Presentation
Luis González (Director at FGSR) & José Manuel Anta (Director at FANDE / IPDA)
9:20 – 9:50h Publishing’s New ‘Writer-Centric Mode’: Authors Equity
Madeline McIntosh (CEO at Authors Equity)
In conversation with Porter Anderson (Editor-in-Chief at Publishing Perspectives)
9:50 – 10:30h Publishing in an age of anxiety
Madeline McIntosh (CEO at Authors Equity)
Michael Tamblyn (CEO at Rakuten Kobo)
Richard Charkin (Founder of Mensch Publishing)
In conversation with Porter Anderson (Editor-in-Chief at Publishing Perspectives)
10:30 – 11:10h New digital content business models
Jason Kelly (Founder of Sounded)
Paula Gallejones (Head of Product at Mondia)
Moderated by Javier Celaya (CEO at DosDoce)
11:10 – 11:40h Coffee break
11:40 – 12:15h About educational content
Karla Paniagua (CENTRO)
John Martin (Chairman at ILT Education)
Moderated by Marta Martínez (CEO at Grupo Anaya)
12:15 – 13:00h Innovation in the Book Fairs landscape
Eva Orúe (Managing Director at Madrid Book Fair)
Juergen Boos (President at Frankfurt Book Fair)
Piero Crocenzi (CEO at Salone del Libro de Torino)
Moderated by Marifé Boix (Vicepresident at Frankfurt Book Fair)
13:00 – 13:45h EntreprenHers: exploring the role of female innovators in the global publishing industry
Arantza Larrauri (Managing Director at Libranda DeMarque)
Gvantsa Jobava (Vice President at International Publishers Association)
Searsha Sadek (Founder & Chief Product Officer at Shimmr AI)
Moderated by Emma House (PublisHer)
13:45h Cocktail
Sandbox on Innovation – Workshops
15:00h Social reading with Immer & Club Lees
How do we engage young digital readers? Last year, Immer implemented social reading together with Dutch TV broadcaster VPRO in their Club Lees app. It’s bite-sized, vertical, smooth and social – reading in the time of TikTok. In this session we’ll share our thinking, design details and how the Immer Reading System works.
Company: Immer Reading System.
Speaker: Niels ’t Hooft (Co-founder & CEO)
15:45h CoreSource: Unlocking Global Distribution
CoreSource: Simplified digital distribution that unlocks Ingram Content Group’s global distribution network.
Company: Ingram Content Group.
Speaker: Nick Coveney (Senior Key Account Manager Digital Services)
16:30h Building Inclusive Reading Experiences
Inclusive experiences are accessible to as many people as possible. Inclusivity builds self-esteem and empathy. Inclusivity demands holistic approaches. And project development strategies.
Company: Colibrio.
Speaker: Lars Wallin (Product Manager & Founder)
Foto: Lara Cano
Thursday, 30th May (#11IDDM)
9:30 – 9:40h Presentation of the #11IDDM
9:40 – 10:10h Figures on the European Publishers Ecosystem
Enrico Turrin (Deputy Director at the Federation of European Publishers)
10:10 – 10:40h The Book Market in 2024: Publishing beyond Publishers
Rüdiger Wischenbart (Digital Consumer Book Barometer)
10:40 – 11:10h Focus Market: Rethinking Brazil
Marcelo Gioia (Coordinator Tech Group at the Brazilian Book Chamber)
11:10 – 11:30h Coffee Break
11:30 – 12:15h Data management challenges for publishers
Andrew Rhomberg (Founder of Jellybooks)
Michael Then (Director of Media and Digital products at Weltbild)
Moderated by Raul Pérez (Head Digital at Grupo Planeta)
12:15 – 13:00h About books discoverability
Giorgia Russo (Teacher social media marketing at UEM Booksellers School)
Searsha Sadek (Founder & Chief Product Officer at Shimmr AI)
Moderated by Arantza Larrauri (Managing Director at Libranda DeMarque)
13:00 – 13:45h Book eCommerce Platforms: An overview
Mark Thornton (Senior Partnership Manager at UK)
Sakari Luovio (Chief Sales Officer B2C at Adlibris)
Moderated by Carlo Carrenho (Publishing Advisor & Analyst)
13:45 Cocktail
Sandbox on Innovation – Workshops
15:00h The future of peer-to-peer marketing
Latest trends on social media platforms, creator economy, legal regulations and AI-powered platforms.
Company: The Tandem Collective.
Speakers: Camilla Riccadonna (Leader of International Social Media Campaigns) / Aurora Paya (Campaign Manager)
15:45h Tech tools for publishers to improve the book selling
Tech features that help publishers get to know their readers better.
Company: Bookwire.
Speaker: Javier del Puerto (Senior Manager Publisher Relations & Services Bookwire EMEA)

Friday, 31th May
Readmagined by Bookwire
9:30 – 9:40h Introduction to Readmagined by Bookwire, by Jens Klingelhöfer, CEO and cofounder of Bookwire
9:40 – 10:20h New audiences and where to find them
By Edward Nawotka, Senior International and Bookselling Editor at Publishers Weekly.
10:20 – 10:30h Coffee Break
10:30 – 11:30h Innovation through content and multiple formats for multiple audiences
Raúl Pérez, Head of Digital (ebook and audiobook) at Grupo Planeta
Stephanie Simonin, Audio Business Strategy IP and Brand Development at Bayard
Moderator: Marco Ferrario, Bookwire Italy
11:30 – 12:30h New audiences, new readers, new listeners: keys to reach and engage your community
Rafa Luna, Head of Marketing and Digital Business at Editorial Anagrama
Danaé Tourrand-Viciana, Editorial Director of Literature, Essays and Documents at Leduc Editions
Pietro Biancardi, publisher at Iperborea
Moderator: Mariana Féged, General Manager Spanish Markets and EMEA at Bookwire
12:30 – 12:45h Final conclusions and closing, by Jens Klingelhöfer, CEO and cofounder of Bookwire