![]() Emilio
Un Lector
Ev71mone,TiyRre;s request is fair. I don’t think any one he named is promoting the dominant theological positions of TBN.But, I cannot answer for them for I am not of the Missouri mind-set. :-)cb
Un Lector
Oi!!! consegui colocar menu horizontal em meu blogger seguindo sua dica ... muito obrigado!, mas no local onde fala pra inserir os links eu não to cogsenuindo fazer. por exemplo: no link do home eu meu coloquei me endereço, mas não abre a página. Por favor me dá umas dicas de como arrumar isso. Andréia.
Un Lector
Asà es Ta3e2gin0; creo que el primer luto doloroso es la muerte de tu mascota, por lógica ellos siempre durarán menos… uno no lo piensa pero cuando ocurre, jura nunca más volver a adoptar otra mascota, por el dolor que se siente perderla! Qué lástima lo de tu perrita, 15 años es un gran logro pero al mismo tiempo te da la sensación que podrÃa haberse quedado mucho tiempo más… que injusto que sus vidas duren tan poco
Un Lector
Don’t forgive anyone who had crimed bad things. If I were the murder, I would decide to face the death sentence. If I were Mary, I would revenge because he kill my deeply love.So when I kill someone, I can face the vi1#2m&t8ec7;s family and look at them with happiness.So Mary is very crazy she could forgive the murder. If somedays the murder kill anyother? It is worthy for discussing.The death could not be canceled because it can prevent the criminal.If someone who want to renew his life maybe can forfgive but the punishment it necessary for the criminal.
Un Lector
I love your flower photos especially the blossom and the fact it's called 'Pink Pe&ctfeionr#39;! That library looks absolutely immense, and I love the architecture of it. It's the first properly warm/hot day here and I'm so excited to get outside! :)Xx
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A few years ago I'd have to pay someone for this inimfoatron.
Un Lector
There's a secret about your post. ICHBTTITYKY
Un Lector
We've areirvd at the end of the line and I have what I need!